Happy Friday!

These days we are all about marketing and branding – ads are everywhere- Facebook, Instagram, you name it. Did you ever think that we market our own personal brand- namely, our face? We all have different yet not very distinct body types but our face is our proprietary brand. It’s our defining attribute and we want – we need – to like our face. We are not going to succeed in life unless we are proud of who we are, stand tall and look UP. If you have ever suffered from cystic acne, you know how painful it can be mentally and physically. Acne sufferers often look down to avoid people seeing their faces. That literally sucks.

I was one of those people. I started breaking out with cystic acne in my late 20’s and it plagued me on and off throughout my life especially during stressful times like when I was studying for the GMATs. It took many years of research, testing and self-reflection, but eventually, I healed my acne naturally and have clean, clear skin. Even the scarring I once had is gone.

My niece Emily just went off to college for the first time last month and while she is relatively acne-free, she does love pizza. What college kid doesn’t? Pizza is part of the college experience. However, cheese, and ultimately dairy, is not helpful in the effort to achieve clear skin. While Emily is blessed with the ability to eat anything without so much as a break out, some of her friends are experiencing the dreaded ‘pizza face.’ And that is not the look they are going for…

What causes acne?

According to the Mayo Clinic (2014), the main factors which contribute to acne are oil production, dead skin cells, clogged pores and bacteria. Specifically…

  • Too much sebum. Sebum is lubricating oil excreted onto the surface layer of the skin to keep it hydrated and nourished. Too much sebum is produced when there is a hormonal imbalance. It’s no surprise that teenagers whose hormones are a-ragin’ during this stage of life are prone to acne.
  • Not enough exfoliation to rid the skin of the dead cells which clog the pores. Note, too much exfoliation is not good either so if you decide to exfoliate, be gentle and use a natural, synthetic-free exfoliant no more than 2 times per week. Reach out to me here for recommended products.
  • Overuse of chemicals, synthetics & detergents. Over-washing with a harsh, synthetic acne cleanser may result in more acne and dehydrated, under-nourished skin cells. These products tell the skin, I am too dry, send more oil!
  • Over-use of make up like foundation. Foundations or concealers (especially brands with chemical, synthetic ingredients) form an occlusive layer on the epidermis which prevents the skin from breathing and ultimately clogs pores. Consider more natural make up options like Aveda. The brands sold at Whole Foods are generally good as well. Always read labels. Here’s a post on cosmetics and reading labels – In Your Face – The 411 on Skin Care Products.
  • Poor diet and lifestyle choices. Eating processed foods, not getting enough water or sleep and experiencing excessive stress can all lead to acne.
A holistic approach to acne 

Acne is not an easy affliction to heal but with gradual changes and patience, it can be done. I believe in a holistic approach which means the focus is on healing the root (the source) and not the symptom (the spots). This approach takes longer unfortunately but it is the only way to turn a pizza face into a permanent peachy face. The beauty of clearing your skin naturally is that there are virtually no side effects. Prescription pills and topical treatments for acne come with a lot of baggage that can ruin the skin and its ability to address the problem. Here’s what I recommend from one (former) pizza face to another…

10 beauty tips to soothe and heal acne-prone skin
  1. Send your skin love. When you have acne, especially when you are trying to fit in somewhere new (like college), you tend to channel all your anger and frustration towards the spots. So when you wash your face, touch your face, apply drying crap (which you shouldn’t do – we’ll get to that) to your face, you should do so with a positive touch which sends the message that you love and accept your face -acne and all- but you still want it gone. I’m not very religious but ‘love your enemy’ is good advice here. By attacking the spots you are literally spreading negative energy and more bacteria, which will cause more breakouts.
  2. Up your water intake. Hydrated skin is happy, clear skin. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of pure spring or filtered water per day and more if you drink caffeinated beverages as they are diuretics which increase fluid loss. Try adding a little organic lemon juice if you don’t love pure water. Avoid at all costs chlorinated tap water (the stuff you shower in), which is in a word, nasty.
  3. Eat more of this and less of that. Healthy skin thrives on foods like organic nuts, seeds, berries, apples, avocados, oranges and leafy greens. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants which help to heal damaged, inflamed skin. Gradually decrease your consumption of sugary foods and processed, packaged foods and increase your intake of real, whole foods. Sugar is at the top of the list of foods to be avoided if you have acne. I you need help kicking a sugar habit read Sugar & Sweets – How to Adopt a Take It or Leave It Attitude. Sugary drinks are the same deal. If you want healthy skin, stay away from soda and all beverages that contain refined sugar, corn syrup or sugar substitutes.
  4. Beware of dairy and the connection it has with acne breakouts. I have noticed a big difference in my skin and over-all health due to less or no dairy in my diet. In my opinion, there is nothing good about milk except when it’s from your own mamma and only during the first year of life. While I love cheese, I am constantly experimenting with alternatives for moral, aesthetic and health reasons. From Dr. Andrew Weil’s article What Foods Cause Acne, “I’ve long advised parents to keep children off cow’s milk and other dairy products at an early age, especially if the family history includes allergies, asthma, bronchitis, sinus conditions, or autoimmunity. I also think that individuals with those conditions should eliminate dairy from their diets. The milk protein casein can irritate the immune system and thicken mucus secretions. We’ll see if acne is another condition that responds favorably to eliminating cow’s milk and milk products.”  THE FACTS – DAIRY & ACNE… In his aforementioned article, Dr. Weil sites the Harvard-backed Nurses Health Study in which more than 47,000 women participated. The women who drank 3+ servings of any type of milk per day when they were teenagers were 22 percent more likely to report having had severe acne during those years than those who drank only one (or less) servings per week. Those who reported they had drank 2+ glasses of skim milk a day were 44% percent more likely to have had severe acne as teenagers. Dr. Weil recommends organic carrageenan-free calcium-fortified soy milk or almond milk as a replacement. I like hemp milk as well.
  5. Avoid topical products that aggravate the skin. Harsh cleansers – including popular acne treatments on the market contain synthetic ingredients which may have a desired drying affect but ultimately result in more oil production and acne. A holistic, gentler approach allows the body time to address and heal the root cause so you say goodbye to acne for good.
  6. Hydrate and nourish the skin with the right balance of plant oils. The last thing an acne sufferer normally thinks of applying to their skin is oil. However, oil sends a message that the skin is producing enough oil so less sebum is produced. The right oils for acne-prone skin contain essential fatty acids and are high in Linoleic acid. They are light and are absorbed quickly. Choose products with essential oils that are anti-bacterial, antiseptic and astringent to balance sebum production.
  7. Take a cold shower. Hot, long showers actually dry out your skin so opt for shorter, warm or even cool showers and you’ll be doing your skin a favor. If you are a brave sort, end with a cold spurt which is great for your skin – tightens the pores – and is truly energizing!
  8. Lifestyle upgrade including more Zzzzzs. One of best beauty secrets is adequate sleep which is unfortunately one of the things that many of us lack. A lifestyle that includes about 8 hours of sleep along with moderate exercise, a proper diet, positive social interaction and lots of water helps to provide not just great skin but also vitality and longevity. Having trouble sleeping? Read The Formula to Sleep Like a Baby.
  9. Add some gut-healthy probiotics. Have you ever heard that everything good and bad starts in your gut? It’s true. Your gut is considered your second brain. Probiotics provide ‘good’ bacteria which helps to keep your gut microbiome in balance. A healthy, balanced gut boosts the immune function which helps decrease inflammation and subsequently, skin eruptions. Here are two suggestions to drink your way to a healthier gut: 1) KombuchaKombucha by GTs or Kevita are great probiotic skin-beautifying drinks. Kombucha tastes sweet but has virtually no sugar making it a good replacement for soda and sugary energy drinks. It’s not that hard to make on your own and quite fun if you are into science experiments. Here’s a recipe from The Kitchn. 2) While not a probiotic, raw, organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) promotes healthy digestion by encouraging the growth of good bacteria and is therefore considered another skin-beautifying drink. It’s also been linked to weight loss. Try two tablespoons ACV in a glass of water three times per day in between meals. Always brush your teeth an hour after drinking ACV since it can mess with your enamel.
  10. Be patient. It will take a while to clear up your skin since you are working from the inside out. It may even get a bit worse before it gets better and that is normal as your body ridding itself of toxins. If you follow these 10 beauty tips to clearer skin, you will see some improvements right away – physical and mental – and then gradual improvements will be experienced as you continue with your new regime. Be patient and know that clear skin is in your future.
recommended DIY skin care recipes

I suggest you start with a face mask, which will immediately give you some relief if your skin is inflamed and in serious distress. This mask is only two ingredients, one of which is apple cider vinegar. Click here for a post with a recipe for a simple face mask. Using the right balance of oils is paramount to clear skin. I prefer to make my own face wash and balm to avoid the harsh chemicals and preservatives often found in mainstream products. Click here for a post with a DIY recipe for an oil cleansing method (OCM) balm which is excellent as a cleanser and as an after wash balm for any type of skin – a 2 in 1! Want a little extra anti-acne umph? Add 7 drops of tea tree oil to the OCM mix. I make and sell a wonderful skin hydrating anti-acne cleanser/balm. Contact me here for more information.

foods to satisfy a college freshman appetite and subsequent budget

If you want to have clear skin, eat selective fast food 10% of the time and make better choices 90% of the time.

DO choose Mexican like Taco Bell as your fast food hotspot. Taco Bell has some fulfilling healthy choices like the Seven Layer Burrito (ditch the cheese and sour cream), the Crunchwrap (with beans instead of beef and pico de gallo instead of cheese and sour cream) or the Black Beans and Rice for $1.49. Still hungry? Get a side of guacamole. Avocado is a skin-beautifying food. As for pizza, if you have access to an oven, make your own like the one pictured above. Also, Amy’s makes a great roasted vegetable pizza with organic ingredients for about $7 that even diehard cheese lovers like. For fruits, veggies, beans and nuts, Costco or BJs carry these foods in bulk. Stock up and split with your roommate or friends down the hall. You can make it work.

DON’T choose fast food with mystery meat from McDonalds or Chick-fil-A where you will find ‘foods’ laden with unhealthy fats, nasty hormones and antibiotics. These foods make a great recipe for acne. 

DO have fun, eat well 90% of the time and ‘healthy’ fast food/junk 10% of the time, and study hard. I’m counting on you to use your voice, do great things, vote (so we don’t elect another crazy President) and generally make this world a better place where people are kind and healthy and high quality, organic foods are affordable!



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