Happy Friday!
The practice of giving gratitude daily is essential for good health. Thankful people have less inflammation, improved immunity, better heart rhythms, less depression and fatigue. Gratitude is the antidote to stress. Do you ever notice that really positive, optimistic people have all the luck in the world? I know one such person. However, it is not luck that keeps the dark clouds away, it is her sunny, glass-half-full attitude.
Often we like to marinate in a dark place because it feels more comfortable (oddly) than positivity, forgiveness, love and acceptance. Staying angry or frustrated with someone or a situation is easier because it keeps us in control.
But if we let go of the control… the magic happens and we fly.
There is a scene in the movie, The Secret, in which a guy who seems to have everything against him – trouble in relationships, chronic bad luck like stubbing his toe repeatedly, etc., tries something new – a positive attitude. He lets go of the past, the control and the frustration over his string of back luck. Guess what happens next? You guessed it… things turn around. He makes friends, he stops bumping into things. He turned his stress into gratitude. I first saw The Secret about 10 years ago and for whatever reason, I am always reminded of that scene when I find myself marinating in a dark place. It reminds me that I have a choice and in no time, I am back to feeling grateful, and enjoying the benefits of being grateful, again.
I realize this may sound simple, obvious and even silly. Then why aren’t we doing it? We do not like being angry or out of balance, do we? Of course not. However, it is easier to stay angry than accepting that we are not victims and that we are responsible for EVERYTHING that happens to us in our lives. Sounds scary to accept? Well, I have good news. Simply by thinking about being grateful, you will become more grateful.
Still need convincing? Here is an excerpt from an online article on Be thankful: Science says gratitude is good for your health, “‘Gratitude works because, as a way of perceiving and interpreting life, it recruits other positive emotions that have direct physical benefits, most likely through the immune system or endocrine system.’ Research shows that when we think about what we appreciate, the parasympathetic or calming part of the nervous system is triggered and that can have protective benefits on the body, including decreasing cortisol levels and perhaps increasing oxytocin, the bonding hormone involved in relationships that make us feel so good.”
I have become more and more grateful over the years and it is now routine for me to give thanks. There have been an incredible amount of positive changes in my life and I know that is directly attributable to being more grateful. Still, there are times when I choose to concentrate on what I lack instead of what I have. For those times, my nightly gratitude ritual works like a reset button and puts me right again. Do this every single night and you will notice a change.
Nightly gratitude exercise
When you turn off the light and put your head on the pillow each night, take about 5 minutes to go over what happened that day. Give silent gratitude for all the wonderful things you experienced or special people you encountered. At first, it may be difficult to think of good things that happened that day because you are between relationships, in a job that you do not like, having financial difficulties or struggling with a weight or health issue. However, if you do this exercise each and every night, over time you will experience a flood of good things coming to mind and will likely fall asleep before you even finish your list. It is like a natural sleeping pill.
I will pretend I am about to go to sleep and share my gratitude list with you. I would be zzzzzz well before the end but you get the idea.
- My blog that I have been writing for the past 9 months. The emails and comments to my posts fill me with love and gratitude and I look forward to them each week.
- Food and wine – I am grateful each day to discover new restaurants, cook healthy dishes for myself, my clients and others and enjoy a good glass of red wine (or two but just two or I get a headache!).
- My family with whom I can (and often do) disagree but still come back to a place of forgiveness in shorter and shorter periods of time. In the end, we share a ton of love and laughs together.
- My beautiful friends and neighbors who are a constant source of laughter, love and light.
- My animals and the animals around the world who offer nothing but pure, unconditional love.
- People I have not met who inspire me with their writing, art and film to be positive and motivate me to be a better person.
- My good health and the good health of my family and friends.
- Abundance. I feel tremendously abundant in terms of my work and continued opportunities, friends, home, and finances.
- The bumps in the road. I have been in situations that have challenged my sanity but without those moments I would not be where I am today. Thank you bumps!
- Nature – sun, sand, sea, earth, air, flowers, plants, animals and trees. You make me feel alive and happy.
Note, the photo pictured here was the inspiration of this post. My wonderful friend Tim has a green thumb and continually leaves fresh flowers or blooming orchids around the property surrounding my cottage. As I write this, my view is of those flowers and trees. Not a bad office vista! THANK YOU.

Susie this post is AMAZING! With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we sometimes forget the importance of the little things that make a world of difference! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Thank YOU!
What a great post as usual and a beatiful photo of your view outside. Thanks!
So true about giving thanks it frees you and opens your heart to so many good things great blog
thanks Maria!