greetings, earthlings – let’s get earthing


My mother has always loved to walk and generally be outside. She is happy as a clam walking the beach at Cape Cod. She lives in Massachusetts and I live in Florida so her favorite question (more of a statement) is, ‘why don’t you go for a walk on the beach?’. I honestly never thought much of it. Until now.

Most of us in this modern world are lacking contact with nature and we are suffering for it. We need fresh air, trees and sunshine for optimal health and well being but we also need direct contact with the earth to receive its negative electrons which provide a balance to our positive electrons.

Earthing, also known as grounding, is the connection of our bodies, namely the soles of our feet, with the negative electrons from the earth. The benefits of earthing are many including improved immune function, reduced inflammation, minimized pain, better sleep, anti-aging and a general feeling of well-being. Sign me up for that!

Certain synthetic materials like rubber and plastic inhibit the electrons from connecting. Rubber is insulating. Running shoes are a prime example of an electron inhibitor. Those ‘nutty’ people running on the beach barefoot are not so nutty after all.

Earthing happens only on certain surfaces like the obvious – beach, dirt and grass – but also on the not so obvious concrete, brick and ceramic tile provided those surfaces are not treated with a coating. Earthing does not occur on wood, asphalt, rubber, rugs, vinyl, plastic or tar.

You can be walking, sitting or laying down on the earth’s surface to receive these benefits.

“Some of the recent evidence supporting this approach involves multiple studies documenting Earthing’s improvement in blood viscosity, heart rate variability, inflammation, cortisol dynamics, sleep, autonomic nervous system (ANS) balance, and reduced effects of stress,” according to Dr. Mercola in his article, “The Ultimate Antioxidant: Fight Premature Aging for Free.” Click here to view the full article.

Mom, you were right.

That’s mine (and our dog Hugo).  Animals benefit just as much from earthing so throw away those pee pee pads and start walking your dog – barefoot of course and watch your step.


Earthing or grounding will occur when you:

  • walk barefoot or lay on the sand, dirt or grass for 30-40 minutes
  • walk barefoot on untreated concrete, brick or ceramic tile for 30-40 minutes

Earthing or grounding will NOT occur when you:

  • wear shoes with rubber or plastic soles even if you are outside
  • walk on wood, asphalt, rubber, plastic or tar even if barefoot. This includes those fake ‘grass’ parks sprouting up all over the place. Avoid those places like the plague for many reasons!


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  1. Susie, Gret idea and thanks for reminding us. This earthling and my wife is all for Earthing. Let’s get a group up at North Beach, Miami Beach and walk. It’s beautiful there. Cheers

  2. Mom is right. Why don’t you walk those beautiful beaches in Florida?
    My favorite place in my area is the Cape Cod canal. Love to walk, ride my bike or even just sit and people watch.
    Very stress relieving.

    1. you are so right Michelle. Sometimes life gets in the way of enjoying simple pleasures like beach walks. Now I make walks in nature a priority and I feel so much better.