Cape Cod, Clean Food & Clear Skin – 10 Beauty Basics for the Skin, our largest organ

I just spent a week in Cape Cod for our Annual Sister’s Weekend.  The Cape was our summer get away growing up and is like no other place on earth.  Each time I visit, I fall in love with the salty sea air, sand dunes, charming cottages, and quaint waterfront eateries all over again.

When I visited last year, my teenage nieces and their two friends wanted to try my organic, unprocessed, plant-based way of eating.  I was pleasantly surprised to find the kids went wild for the food. I did all the cooking so that probably had something to do with it.

Fast forward a year to now and one niece is vegetarian and the other is vegan.  They are truly dedicated to eating healthy and I’m so proud.  Turns out one of their friends had acne during last year’s trip and the clean diet cleared her skin so they were hooked. For teenage girls who are just starting to like boys, clear skin is better than Snapchat! Ok maybe on par with Snapchat. Anyway, Snapchats are just better with clear skin I would think.

So last week I arrived to find that my 15 year old niece was having her own acne issues even after changing her diet to mainly fresh fruits, veggies and unprocessed foods. The spots were all over her face. I know how rough acne is at any age- but especially as a teenager.  I had cystic acne for years when I was in my late 20s and I just wanted to crawl under a rock and hide from the world.

She was open to help and we got started.  A week and a half later, I’m back in Miami and she has reported that all pimples are gone and she’s just dealing with the scars, which will fade with time and can be covered with make up.

10 Simple Steps to Clearer, Calmer, Brighter Skin (acne or no acne):

  1. Water– drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.  For acne, it will help to add 1-2 tablespoons of organic apple cider (ACV) vinegar to an 8 ounce glass of water three times a day.    ACV has antiseptic and antibacterial properties to calm red, inflamed skin and helps to restore the pH balance. ACV is the #1 remedy for acne on Earth Clinic, one of my favorite sites for natural remedies.  It’s also the #1 remedy for weight loss so there are added benefits to incorporating this super food into your daily routine even if you have clear skin. Tip: Be sure to brush your teeth after as the vinegar can damage the enamel of your teeth if left to linger.
  2. Fresh Air –  being outdoors in nature and getting healthy doses of fresh air is essential to skin health.  Do you ever notice your skin feels tighter after you spend a lot of time indoors in air conditioning or heating?  If you have acne, bathing in the ocean and getting salt water all over the affected areas will help to clear your skin.
  3. Exercise – sweating out the toxins is essential to achieve great skin.  As you know, exercise also alleviates stress and as a former acne sufferer, I can tell you, it’s stressful during a pizza face episode!
  4. Ditch the Dairy – dairy products can trigger breakouts and a whole host of other health problems.  Contrary to the dairy industry slogan from years back, milk does NOT do the body good.
  5. Eliminate Sugar – you know about the white powdery stuff but you also want to avoid high fructose corn syrup which is found in many drinks and packaged food products.  Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, is no better for your skin or your health.  Read labels.  If you have a sweet tooth, try organic dates as a snack.  Here’s a recipe for no bake raspberry fudge which is made with dates and raw cacao.  Despite the myth, chocolate does not cause acne.  It’s the dairy and sugar in milk chocolate that can lead to acne.
  6. Fruits and Veggies –  Replace processed and refined foods with lots of fresh, colorful, antioxidant-rich organic fruits and vegetables.  Good fats are important too. Avocados are a panacea for radiant skin and a great source of monounsaturated fat which can also lower the bad cholesterol levels.
  7. Choose Your Protein Carefully – I get my protein mostly from high quality quinoa, lentils, sprouted tofu, seeds, nuts and beans.  Did you know an organic tomato has protein?  I haven’t eaten meat in over 25 years and I’ve never had an issue with protein.  However, if you are not ready to give up your meat, try to limit your consumption to once a week or once a month and choose meat from humanely raised, free-range animals.  If you have acne, you definitely have to be careful. The hormones and antibiotics found in most meat will wreak havoc on your skin.
  8. Say Goodbye to the Drying Creams and Washes and Hello to Oil (What?! Yes, oil) – Drying products ruin the acid mantle of the skin and although they may temporarily squash a zit, they will have created an environment for more acne and scarring.  Drying products send the message to the skin that it doesn’t have enough oil and signals it to send more, which causes…. yep, you guessed it – pimples.  Applying oil (my top choice is raw, organic, unrefined coconut oil) sends the opposite message – that the skin has enough oil and doesn’t need to produce more.  Coconut oil is great for mature skin as well and keeps it looking youthful.  I smooth a couple drops of coconut oil over my face, eyelids and neck after washing each night.
  9. Love Your Skin – Drumroll…..Although this entry appears towards the bottom of the list, it is the most important tip to radiant, clear skin.  Especially for acne sufferers who tend to feel royally pissed when touching the volcanic surface of their skin, it is imperative to send zits love.  Sounds weird and it is but try it.  Be aware that your skin is clear and beautiful underneath the current chaos and imagine the spots fading away to unveil the beautiful, true, you.
  10. Be patient – If you have acne, especially the cystic kind, know that it took a while for the acne to form (it was bubbling up under your skin ready to erupt for some time) and it will take a while for it to go away.  For my niece, it took just under two weeks to see a real difference and there were some set backs.  It often gets worse before it gets better so be patient and positive.  Your inner beauty will radiate outward if you let it.

Here’s a recipe for a face mask we used this weekend.  My sweet niece allowed me to use this picture.  Even my mom got into it (but only her right eye got into the photo ;-).

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  1. I want to go to Cape Cod ….. looks amazing…. what is the best time of the year to go. Gotta drag John out there. Love your mask. Sent it to my sister for my nephew. Love your healthy ideas!!!

    1. Hi Victoria. Thank you! I love the Cape during the summer months but have gone in May and September as well and it’s got it’s own charm on those shoulder months. Definitely get John to go!

  2. Hello! Thank you for this informative and easy to follow post. One question about the coconut oil: you said you apply some in your face before washing it? So, before taking a shower or washing the face you apply oil? Thank you!!!!

    1. Thank you for your comments! I apply the coconut oil to my face after washing it. Around the time I hit 40, I noticed the folds of my eyelids and DID NOT LIKE IT! Coconut oil has proven better than any expensive product for lines around the eyes. Just use a little drop to dab all around the eye area. I also mix coconut oil with my sunscreen in the morning which helps to even out the texture.